Dürfte einigermaßen selbsterklärend sein: Lauter Songs, die in diesem Jahr ihren 50. Geburtstag feiern dürfen.
Das Thema stammt von nixe.
Wertungen hier im Thread bis Do, 07.10.2021, 20:00 Uhr.
Viel Spaß!
Die Teilnehmer sind:
Pink Floyd - One of these Days
Rod Stewart - Meggie May
Fleetwood Mac - Future Games
John Lennon - Imagine
Jeff Beck Group - Situation
Eloy - Eloy
Paladin - The Fakir
The Byrds - Bugler
Caravan - Nine Feet Underground
The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Carry On
Vacation - How Can I Go On This Way
Rattles - Eleanor Rigby
Yes - Roundabout
Cressida - Munich
Third World War - Ascension Day
The Who - Getting in Tune
Birth Control - Stop Little Lady
Culpeper's Orchard - Mountain Music (Part 2)
My Solid Ground - Dirty Yellow Mist
Irish Coffee - The Show Part 1
Das Thema stammt von nixe.
Wertungen hier im Thread bis Do, 07.10.2021, 20:00 Uhr.
Viel Spaß!
Die Teilnehmer sind:
Pink Floyd - One of these Days
Rod Stewart - Meggie May
Fleetwood Mac - Future Games
John Lennon - Imagine
Jeff Beck Group - Situation
Eloy - Eloy
Paladin - The Fakir
The Byrds - Bugler
Caravan - Nine Feet Underground
The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Carry On
Vacation - How Can I Go On This Way
Rattles - Eleanor Rigby
Yes - Roundabout
Cressida - Munich
Third World War - Ascension Day
The Who - Getting in Tune
Birth Control - Stop Little Lady
Culpeper's Orchard - Mountain Music (Part 2)
My Solid Ground - Dirty Yellow Mist
Irish Coffee - The Show Part 1