Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)


Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 15:21 Uhr  ·  #1
Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6CD-Box)

Target Music/SPV 174572

Die nun schon dritte Runde dieser Sampler Serie bietet wieder einen representativen Querschnitt durch die deutsche Musikszene der 70er Jahre, wobei auch einige Bands aus der Schweiz auf dieser Compilation gewürdigt werden. Außerdem zeigt sich auf diesen prall gefüllten 6 CDs sehr deutlich, dass sich die Musikszene unseres Landes in keinem Falle vor der der Engländer oder Amerikaner verstecken braucht, auch wenn Sie von der Presse ihres Heimatlandes total verrissen wurde. Im Gegenteil, Krautrock steht für eigenständige, kreative, qualitativ hochwertige Musik, die ein sehr weites Spektrum umfasst ohne dabei andere Bands zu kopieren. Von harten, über progressiven bis hin zum psychedelischen Rock, bluesig, jazzig oder folkig angehauchtem, oder einfach nur avantgardisch durchgeknalltem oder auch mit kulturellen Einflüssen aus anderen Ländern wird hier alles geboten.

Verantwortlich für die Vorschläge der Trackauswahl dieser interessanten, absolut empfehleswerten Zusammenstellung aus musikalisch hochwertigen Produktionen ist Rudolf Vogel, der den green-brain Webshop und die Krautrock-Datenbank betreibt. Auch für das informative Booklet ist er zuständig gewesen. Zusammengestellt wurde die Auswahl abschließend von Kurt Mitzkatis, dem Vorsitzenden des German Rock e.V.

Selbst Krautrocker könnten hier noch die Eine oder Andere unbekannte Perle finden, während Einsteiger sich einen sehr guten Überblick über diese revolutionäre Musikszene damals verschaffen können.

Nun zur Musik:

CD 1:

1. Dschinn "Rock N´ Roll Dschinny" Flottes, rockiges Stück, getrieben von kraftvoller Gitarre und rotzigem Gesang.
2. Hairy Chapter "It Must Be An Officer´s Daughter" Schleppender Heavy Rock auf bluesigen Strukturen, progressiv arrangiert. Dreckiger Gitarrensound, schmutziger Gesang und scharfkantige Soli.
3. My Solid Ground "The Executioner" Feiner, atmosphärischer Psych-Rock Song mit verfremdeten Stimmen, basierend auf ständigen Tempo und Rhytmuswechseln.
4. Odin "Make Up Your Mind (Live)" Hervorragendes Coverstück, das sich nicht hinter der Version von Quatermass verstecken braucht. Spannend, progressiv, voller Überraschungen mit psychedelischem Mittelteil. Filigrane Drums und eine dominante schrammelnde Orgel.
5. Birth Control "Just Before The Sun Will Rise" Ein grandioses Feuerwerk das hier zelebriert wird. Dieser unglaubliche Orgelteppich über ein stetig rockendes Rhytmusmuster. Getrieben den kraftvollen Drums, gewürzt mit feurigen Gitarrensoli. Hier lächelt einem wirklich die Sonne ins Gesicht.
6. Virus "King Heroin" Orgellastiger Psych mit etwas nervigen Gesang am Anfang, der sich aber in einem starken instrumentalen Freak-Out entfaltet mit bratziger Wah-Wah-Gitarre. Am Ende dreht es kurz noch richtig spacig ab.
7. Floh De Cologne "Die oberen Zehntausend" Simple, aber schöne Beatmusik mit politischem Text.
8. Sahara "The Mountain King Part 1 & 2" Ein starkes, spannungesgeladenes Prog Epos auf höchstem Niveau, das sehr melodiös gehalten ist aber auch mal rockiger wird. Man lasse sich verzaubern von flirrender Orgel, atmosphärischen Synthesizern, Flöten heulenenden Gitarresoli und einer sehr flexiblen Rhytmustruppe.
9. Franz K. "Bock auf Rock" Völlig primitives, amateurhaftes Gestümper, und dann auch noch so ein peinlicher Text.
10. Subject ESQ. "Mammon" Klasse Jazzrock voller Überraschungen mit ordentlich Gebläse, Orgel und Gitarre. Ein wunderschönes Grundthema und klasse Improvisationen.
11. Fashion Pink "Brainstorming" Schöner, experimentieller Jazzrock, geprägt von Sax- und Orgelsoli auf hypnotische Rhytmen.

CD 2:

1. Nektar "Do You Believe In Magic" Was für ein Knaller! Erst dieser melodiöse, schmeichelnde Ohrwurpart, dann geht es ab mit mächtigen Riffs und schrammelnder Orgel. Ein ruhiger, dramaturgischer Mittelteil folgt und plötzlich in einem brachialen Gitarrenpart förmlich explodiert.
2. Witthüser & Westrupp "Das Märchen vom Königssohn" Ein verzauberndes Märchen in farbenfroher Klanglandschaft, das erst eine Geschicht erzählt und sich dann zu einem netten Song entwickelt.
3. Et Cetera "Lady Blue" Hier geht es richtig avantgardisch und schräg zur Sache. Durchgeknallte Klangcollagen zwischen Psych- und Jazzrock, wechselnde Passagen aus gesorochenem und Chorgesang.
4. Gila "Kommunikation" Ein atmosphärisches Psych Juwel erster Güte. Hypnotische Bassläufe, filigrane Drums, starke Bassläufe und grandiose Keyboards.
5. Coupla Prog "Goodbye Be By Gones" Feiner, orgellastiger Progressivrock mit sehr psychedelischem Intro und vielen lyrischen Passgen gegen Ende. Scharfe Gitarren und auch die Rhytmustruppe hat Ihr Handwerk gelernt.
6. Apocalypse "Let It Die" Nettes Stück, eingeleitet von einer mystischen Passage aus Gesang und Sitarklängen, die auch später wieder auftaucht, unterlegt von einem hypnotischen Rhytmus. Im Mittelteil gibt es Dampf durch brachiale Fuzzgitarre und eine schmutzige Orgel.
7. Wallenstein "Golden Antenna" Flottes Stück dominiert von heulender Gitarre und flirrenden Tasten, aber der Gesang nervt mich.
8. Wolfgang Dauner "Take Off Your Clothes To Feel" Avantgardischer, mitreissender Jazzrock mit starken Piano und Sitarklängen
9. Thrice Mice "Jo Joe" Experimentieller Jazzrock auf hohem Niveau mit ordentlich Saxatakken, warmer Orgel, filigranem Schlagzeug und rauhem Gesang.
10. McChurch Soundroom "What Are You Doin´" Ein sakrales Orgelintro, dann treibt es monoton, aber groovend dahin, zwischendurch scheppernde Riffs, Gesang, Flöten- und Orgelsoli, die es in sich haben.
11. Floh De Cologne "Ford Capri" Treibender Beat, auch wieder mit sozialkritischem Text und mehrstimmigem Gesang.

CD 3:

1. Frame "Frame Of Mind" Erstklassiges Progstück, beginnend mit akustischer Gitarre, dann setzt eine röhrende Orgel ein, die sich glänzend durch den Song zieht. Starke, eingdingliche Gesangseinlagen und eine groovende Rhytmustruppe. Im Mitteilteil lassen es Leadgitarre und Orgel in einer wilden Soloorige richtig krachen.
2. Anyone´s Daughter "Anyone´s Daughter" Ein weitere progressive Perle mit wunderschönen Melodien. Ergreifende Gitarrensoli, perlende Keyboards, knarzige Bassläufe, filigrane Drums. Und dieser traumhafte Gesangspart, der in der zweiten Hälfe immer wieder auftaucht...
3. Analogy "Analogy" Ein ruhiges, atmoshärisch dichtes Inro und plötzlich explodiert es in einem fetzigen Riff, treibender Orgel und kraftvollem Rhytmus. Im Mittelteil gibts floydige Imrovisationen von Gitarre und Orgel über hypnotische Bassläufe und dynamische Drums, kurz mal kalten, aber sehr packenden Frauengesang, die bratzige Riffpassage taucht auch nochmal auf, bevor es psychedelisch ausartend zu Ende geht.
4. Toto Blanke "PPG" Ein sehr synthielastiges Intro, sehr langatmig, aber dann gibts nach einiger Zeit auch noch eine jammernde Gitarre, die wirklich gut kommt
5. Dies Irae "Trip" Ein unglaublich fesselnd inszenierter LSD-Trip der musikalischen Art. Gänsehautfeeling pur, hervorragend umgesetzt.
6. Krokodil "And I Know" Schöner Track, basierend auf warmer Akustikgitarrenstruktur, garniert mit einer relaxten Leadgitarre, melodiösem Klavino und harmonischen Gesangseinlagen.
7. Jud´s Gallery "Follow Me" Beginnt als eindringlicher Midtempo Bluesrock mit heulender Gitarre und Piano, aber es wird auch mal fetziger, riffiger und geht dann gut ab. Auch eine Geige sorgt noch für Spannende Momente.
8. Mythos "Harry Chanceless" Rockiges Stück mit toller Gitarre, durchzogen von leicht schrägem Synthie. Zur Auflockerung gibts kurze ruhige Passage und vereinzelt Flöntenklänge.
9. Jerusalem "Moon´s New Way" Rockig, progressiv mit scharfer Gitarre
10. Mammut "Mammut Opera" Eine psychedelische Improvisationsoper, musikalisch auf hohem Niveau. Klasse Keyboards, knackige Gitarreneinlagen, Flötensoli und halliger Gesang, der vereinzelt auftaucht.

CD 4:

1. Wallenstein "Braintrain" Riffgetrieben, von einer bratzigen Orgel dominiert und einigen energetischen Soli geht es hier gewaltig zur Sache. Im Mittelteil wird es kurze Zeit auch mal ein wenig ruhig und sehr melodiös mit sanftem Gesang.
2. Message "Heaven Knows" Atmosphärisch düsterer Progressivrock dominiert von Gitarre und Keyboards. Ruhige Spannungsbögen bauen sich auf, die sich hin und wieder krachend entladen.
3. Guru Guru "Der LSD-Marsch" Ein extrem psychedelischer, scheppernder Instrumental Freak Out der Extraklasse. Total abgedreht und einfach Kult!
4. Tiger B. Smith "Help For A Blind Man" Grooviger Hardrock mit dominanter Wah-Wah Gitarre, tollen Bassläufen und ansprechendem Gesang.
5. Walpurgis "Disappointment" Wunderschöne Ballade basierend auf warmer Akustikgitarre und verletzlichen Pianoklängen.Der klagende Gesang und die gefühlvolle Leadgitarre berühren mich sehr.
6. Annexus Quam "Troblush El E Isch" Eine fast schon free-jazzige, sehr schräge Klangcollage mit viel Gebläse und Percussion und einer gewissen psychedelischen Wirkung.
7. Bröselmaschine "Gedanken" Schöner Folk-Prog mit akustischer Instumentierung und mystischem Gesang.
8. Nosferatu "No. 4" Düsterer monumental Psych mit wabernder Gitarre
9. Dzyan "Back To Where We Came From" Bietet atmosphärisch dichten, experimentiellen Jazzrock auf hohem Nivau, der nahzu hypnotisierend wirkt und in einem messerschaften Gitarrensolo so richtig aufgeht.
10. Franz K. "Peterlied" Im Vergleich zu "Bock auf Rock" ja wenigstens anhörbar, aber für diese Länge wird hier musikalisch viel zu wenig geboten. Gähnende Langeweile.

CD 5:

1. Rufus Zuphall "Freitag" Starker progressiver Rock, rein instrumental, dominiert von herausragendem Querflötenspiel. Aufgebaut auf treibende Rhytmen gibts hier auch rockige Riffs, abwechslungsreiche Drums und ein brachiales Fuzzgitarrensolo.
2. Krokodil "Marzipan" Schwerer, schleppender bluesorienterter Progressivrock mit tollen Harpeinlagen, anprechendem Gesang und dreckiger Gitarre.
3. Epsilon "2-Four-4" Feiner Jazzrock, dominiert von einem filigranen Orgelteppich über flotte Rhytmen mit feurigen Gitarrensoli. Gewürzt mit ergreifenden, bluesigen Gesangspassgen und immer wieder folgenden Improvisationen.
4. Pacific Sound "Gates Of Hell" Psych-Jam-Rock basierend auf bluesigen Strukturen mit sensationeller Orgel und kraftvoller Gitarre.
5. Pell Mel "Friend" Erstklassiger Progrock voller Überraschungen mit wunderschönen Soli von Orgel, Gitarre und Flöte, musikalisch überragend.
6. Violence Fog "Rolli Zink" Flotter psychedelischer Rock mit fetziger Gitarre, jedoch recht schluderigem, uninspiriertem Gesang.
7. Haze "Fast Career" Hervorragender, Progrock, durchwegs spannend mit melodiösen Flöten- und Keyboardsoli. Eine bratzige, kantige Gitarre und rauher Gesang können ebeso überzeugen wie die flexible Rhytmustruppe.
8. Et Cetera "Mellodrama Nr. 2" Harmonische Akustik-Gitarren und hypnotische Percussion entführen in eine mystische, farbenfrohe Welt
9. Thirsty Moon "Black Clouds" (Live) Jazzrockiger Live Jam mit perlenden Keyboards und knackiger Gitarre, der überrascht mit psychedelischen Anklängen.
10. Nine Days Wonder "Drag Dilemma" Völlig durchgedrehte Fusion aus Underground Psych und avantgardischem Jazzrock auf höchstem Niveau. Überragende Flöten und Sax Einätze und ständig wechselnde, groovende Rhytmen und vereinzelten gesprochenen Vocalpassagen.
11. Bernd Witthüser "Wenn ich ein wenig fröhlicher wär" Nachdenkliche Folkballade mit Akustik-Gitarre, Gebläse und Gesang.

CD 6:

1. Eloy "Future City" Treibende, ständig wechselnde Rhytmen, Gesangseinlagen die an Jethro Tull erinnern und wabernde Gitarrensoli im Mittelteil.
2. Eulenspygel "Die Wunde bleibt" Ansprechender akustik-Gitarrensong mit nachdemklichem Text
3. Eulenspygel "Staub auf deinem Haar" Deutlich besser als der vorherige Titel, auch mit Keyboards, Geigen, Wah-Wah Gitarre, sozialkritischem Text und tollem instrumentalem Mittelteil.
4. Faust "The Sad Skinhead" Avantgarische Improvisationen mit schrägen Tastenklängen und und brachial verzerrter Gitarre basierend auf monoton stampfendn Rhytmen.
5. Hoelderlin "Nürnberg" Eine sehnsüchtige, melodiöse Ballade, durchzogen von ergreifendem Piano, warmer Akustik-Gitarre und eindringlichem Gesang.
6. Peter Baumann "Bicentinnial Present" Ein Ex-Tangerine Dream auf Solopfaden. Sehr elektronisch mit viel Synthesizern, durchaus spannend.
7. Sweet Smoke "Kundalini" Orientalisch angahauchter psychedelischer Jam-Rock getragen von hypnotischen Rhytmen, verfeinert mit mystischen Sitarklängen.
8. Tangerine Dream "Coldwater Canyon" (Live) Faszinierender instrumentaler Klangteppich aus überwiegend Synthesizern, aber auch Piano, Mellotron und sogar ein wenig Gitarre.
9. Birth Control "Trial Trip" Deutlich progressiver und weniger hardrockorientiert zeigt sich die Band hier, musikalisch aber nach wie vor auf hohem Level.
10. Udo Lindenberg "Cowboy Rocker" Linde nervt wie gewohnt mit seinem Genuschel, naja, wem es gefällt...
11. Passport "Uranus" Urwüchsiger, melodiöser Jazzrock basierend auf flotter Rhytmik mit toller Sax und Synthieuntermahlung.

Hier noch die Tracklist und eine kurze Beschreibung der Bands: (Quelle: Rudolf Vogel)

CD 1
1 Dschinn Rock'n Roll Dschinny 03:06
2 Hairy Chapter It must be an Officer's Daughter 08:00
3 My Solid Ground The Executioner 03:29
4 Odin Make up your Mind 13:35
5 Birth Control Just before the Sun will rise 07:37
6 Virus King Heroin 05:41
7 Floh de Cologne Die oberen Zehntausend 03:33
8 Sahara The Mountain King Part I & Part II 13:17
9 Franz K. Bock auf Rock 03:17
10 Subject Esq. Mammon 12:36
11 Fashion Pink Brainstorming 05:04

CD 2
1 Nektar Do you believe in Magic? 07:14
2 Witthüser & Westrupp Das Märchen vom Königssohn 09:25
3 Floh de Cologne Ford Capri 02:23
4 Gila Kommunikation 12:57
5 Coupla Prog Goodbye Guns be by gones 11:38
6 Apocalypse Let it die 06:08
7 Wallenstein Golden Antenna 04:15
8 Wolfgang Dauner Take off your Clothes to feel the setting Sun 04:00
9 Thrice Mice Jo Joe 08:48
10 McChurch Soundroom What are you doin' 08:31
11 Et Cetera Lady Blue 02:59

CD 3
1 Frame Frame of Mind 04:10
2 Anyone's Daughter Anyone's Daughter 09:07
3 Analogy Analogy 09:43
4 Toto Blanke PPG 06:02
5 Dies Irae Trip 06:47
6 Krokodil And I know 07:40
7 Jud's Gallery Follow me 11:12
8 Mythos Harry Chanceless 04:59
9 Jerusalem Moon's new Way 06:00
10 Mammut Mammut Opera 13:37

CD 4
1 Wallenstein Braintrain 08:40
2 Message Heaven knows 09:47
3 Guru Guru Der LSD-Marsch 08:29
4 Tiger B. Smith Help for a blind Man 05:45
5 Walpurgis Disappointment 04:20
6 Annexus Quam Troblush El Eisch 05:25
7 Bröselmaschine Gedanken 05:06
8 Nosferatu No. 4 08:43
9 Dzyan Back to where we come from 08:53
10 Franz K. Peterlied 12:52

CD 5
1 Rufus Zuphall Freitag 07:14
2 Krokodil Marzipan 06:05
3 Epsilon 2-Four-4 07:27
4 Pacific Sound Gates of Hell 05:42
5 Pell Mell Friend 07:02
6 Violence Fog Rolli Zink 06:40
7 Haze Fast Career 08:31
8 Et Cetera Mellodrama Nr. 2 A 05:10
9 Thirsty Moon Black Clouds (Live) 09:50
10 Nine Days Wonder Drag Dilemma 12:48
11 Bernd Witthüser Wenn ich ein wenig fröhlicher wär' 02:52

CD 6
1 Eloy Future City 05:35
2 Eulenspygel Die Wunde bleibt 01:58
3 Eulenspygel Staub auf deinem Haar 07:58
4 Faust The sad Skinhead 02:31
5 Hoelderlin Nürnberg 03:04
6 Peter Baumann Bicentennial Present 04:48
7 Sweet Smoke Kundalini 13:24
8 Tangerine Dream Coldwater Canyon (Live) 17:39
9 Birth Control Trial Trip 06:43
10 Udo Lindenberg Cowboy Rocker 05:57
11 Passport Uranus 06:40


Jutta Nienhaus (vocals), Hermann-Jürgen Nienhaus (drums), Wolfgang Schoene (bass), Martin Thurn (guitar, flute), Nikola Pankoff (keyboards)

The band Analogy consisted of four Germans who lived in Italy for a while and one Italian who joined them later. The track "Analogy" is from their sole album "Analogy" (Dischi, 1972).

Annexus Quam

Roland Schaeffer (guitar, bass, vocals, saxes, vibraphone), Martin Habenicht (basses), Hans Kümper (trombone, guitar, flute), Harald Klemm (electric zither, Jew's harp, echoguitar, tincans, water), Peter Werner (guitar, percussion), Ove Volquartz (saxes, flute)

The psychedelic jazzrock band Annexus Quam published 2 albums on the Ohr label. The track " Troblush El E Isch " is from the album "Beziehungen" (Ohr, 1972).

Anyone's Daughter

Harald Bareth (bass, vocals), Kono Konopik (drums), Uwe Karpa (guitars), Matthias Ulmer (keyboards)

Anyone's Daughter from the Stuttgart area were established in 1972 and played progressive rock. Their debut album "Adonis" was published in 1979. The track "Anyone's daughter" is from their second album "Anyone's daughter" (Spiegelei, 1980).

Diese Angabe ist nicht korrekt, das Sück ist auf dem Debütalbum Adonis von 1979.

Birth Control

Crew on "Operation":
Bruno Frenzel (guitar, vocals), Reinhold Sobotta (organ), Bernd Noske (drums, vocals), Bernd Koschmidder (bass)

Crew on "Plastic People":
Bernd Noske (drums, percussion, effects, vocals), Peter Föller (bass, vocals, vibes), Zeus B. Held (keyboards, choir, tenor saxophone, trumpet), Bruno Frenzel (guitars, choir), Robert Camis de Fonseca (effects), Jochen Grumbkow (cello), Christoph Noppeney (viola), Friedemann Leinert (flute), Uta, Hanne & Brigitte (choir), Robby (saxophone), Otto (trombone), Harry (trumpet)

Birth Control celebrated their 40-year jubilee in 2008! The track "Before the sun will rise" is from their second album "Operation" (Ohr, 1971), which a lot of their fans consider it's their best album. The provocative cover (giant grasshopper eating little babies as the Pope watches) attracted much attention. The track "Trial trip" is from the album "Plastic people" (CBS, 1975), when Birth Control turned into a more progressive direction.


Jenni Schücker (vocals, flute), Willi Kismer (vocals, electric and acoustic guitars), Lutz Ringer (metallophon, bass), Mike Hellbach (congas, tablas, spoons, mellotron), Peter Bursch (vocals, acoustic guitar, sitar, flute)

Bröselmaschine from Duisburg belong to the German rockbands of the first hour. The track "Gedanken" is from their debut album "Bröselmaschine", which was published in 1971 on the Pilz label. The music is sophisticated folk rock, influenced by guitar player Peter Bursch.

Coupla Prog

Rolf Peters (guitar, vocals), Reiner Niketta (bass, piano), Wolfgang Schindhelm (organ, piano, vocals), Hubert Donauer (drums, percussion)

Coupla Prog were appreciated guests of the German radio station SWF, which invited the band four times between 1970 and 1972 to produce their music under studio conditions. The track "Goodbye, guns, be by gones" is from the album "Sprite - SWF Sessions Volume 2" (Longhair, 2000).

Apocalypse / Die Anderen

Jürgen Drews (vocals, lead guitar), Gerd Müller (vocals, guitar), Enrico Lombardi (vocals, bass), Bernd Scheffler (vocals, drums)

The band Die Anderen, who later changed their name to Apocalypse, originated from a talent competition, a "beat band ball", which occurred in the city of Kiel in 1966. There, Jürgen Drews (lead guitar, vocals) met the competition winner Chimes Of Freedom. The track "Let it die" is from the album "Apocalypse" (Ariola, 1968).

Dies Irae

Rainer Wahlmann (vocals, harmonica), Robert J. Schiff (bass), Harald H. G. Thomas (guitar, vocals), Andreas F. Cornelius (drums)

Dies Irae play a mixture of blues-rock and Krautrock on their sole album. The track "Trip" from the album "Dies Irae" (Pilz, 1971) is an acoustic LSD trip.


Bernd Capito (lead guitar, vocals, chorus, lyrics), Peter Lorenz (lead vocals, chorus, rhythm guitar), Thanasios Paltoglou (drums, percussion), Uli Mund (drums, percussion), Silvio Verfürth (bass, vocals, chorus)

Dschinn originated from the band "Dischas" and published only one album "Dschinn" (Bacillus, 1972). They played hard-rock, their singer and their lead guitarplayer were amazing. The track "Rock'n Roll Dschinny" was only published on the 2-LP compilation "Mama Rock And The Sons Of Rock'n Roll" (Bacillus, 1976).


Eddy Marron (guitars, saz, tambura, mellotrone, voice), Reinhard Karwatky (electric bass, double bass, super string, mellotrone, synthesizer), Peter Giger (drums, percussion)

After the split of the first Dzyan formation, which published only one record, Reinhard Kawatky established a trio that took over the name of the band and recorded two further albums. The track "Back to where we come from" is from the last album "Electric Silence" (Bacillus, 1974), a mix of jazz-rock and avantgarde elements.


Frank Bornemann (guitar, vocals, percussion), Wolfgang Stocker (bass), Manfred Wieczorke (organ, guitar, vocals, percussion), Fritz Randow (drums, acoustic guitar, percussion, flute)

Eloy from Hannover are one of the oldest and most successful German bands. Their best albums are their second and third one (Inside and Floating). The track "Future city" is from the album "Inside" (Harvest, 1973).


Michael Ertl (bass), Hartmut Pfannmüller (drums, bongos, percussion), Walter Ortel (organ, piano, vocals, percussion), Michael (Michael Wynn) Winzkowski (vocals, guitar, acoustic guitar, 12 string guitar, percussion)

The band from Marburg originated from the group Karthago, who played Nice compositions. The excellent keyboard work stands out as well as the deep and powerful vocals. The track "2-Four-4" is from the first album "Epsilon" (Bacillus, 1971).

Et Cetera

Siegfried Schwab (guitars, sitar, tarang, lute, veena, sarangi, flute, balafon, ring modulator), Wolfgang Dauner (synthesizer, piano, clavinet, clavichord, ring modulator, electric percussion, trumpet, flute), Fred Braceful (percussion, vocals), Roland Wittich (percussion), Eberhard Weber (basses, cello)

Wolfgang Dauner on a Krautrock compilation once again? Sure! The debut album of Et Cetera cannot be compared with any other Wolfgang Dauner record. Even the other Et Cetera albums sound entirely different. "Et Cetera" is a crazy Krautrock avant-garde jazz record. This is no jazz-rock at all! We introduce the tracks "Lady Blue" and "Mellodrama Nr. 2 A".


Detlev Nottrodt (guitar, vocals), James Thurow (guitar, violin), Cornelius Hauptmann (flute), Karl-Heinz Großhans (organ, vocals), Ronny Libal (bass), Mulo Maulbetsch (vocals, harmonica), Günter Klinger (drums)

Eulenspygel was one of the first German bands who dared the transfer from English to German lyrics. The critical lyrics are doubtful on state and society. The tracks "Die Wunde bleibt" and "Staub auf deinem Haar" are from the album "2" (Spiegelei, 1971), whose scandal cover with the burned chicken was replaced by less provocative version.

Fashion Pink

Roland Schaeffer (guitar, bass, vocals, saxophones, vibraphone), Eddy von Overheidt (organ, electric piano, clavinet, vocals), Rainer Bodensohn (bass, flute), Joachim Koinzer (drums, percussion)

Fashion Pink, established in 1968, played lively and powerful hard progressive rock. In 1969, the German radio station SWF started to look for talented upcoming bands. Fashion Pink was the first of many young bands who could participate in the recording sessions. Between 1970 and 1971, they were invited four times in order to record under live studio conditions. At the end of 1970, they decided to change the name to "Fashion Prick". Because it was impossible to get a record contract with this name, they choose the name "Brainstorm" instead. In 1972, Brainstorm finally published their first record "Smile a while" on the Spiegelei label. The track "Brainstorming" is from the album "... to brainstorm" (Longhair, 2000), which contains some of the SWF recordings.


Werner Diermaier, Joachim Irmler, Jean-Herve Peron, Rudolf Sosna, Gunther Wüsthof

Faust were the product of the journalist Uwe Nettelbeck. The idea was to create a band that could match with Can and Kraftwerk. Six almost unknown musicians moved into an old schoolhouse in the city of Wümme and stayed there for one year, sponsored by the Polydor label with a huge amount of money. In 1971, they created their self-titled debut album, an extraordinary and crazy masterpiece even for today's standards, which received a very bad response by the German music press. Their single Jennifer (from the So Far album) reached position 13 in the UK charts instead. The track "The sad skinhead" is from their fourth album "IV", released in 1973 by Virgin Records who hyped and advertised it using the term "Krautrock".

Floh De Cologne

Hansi Frank (drums, organ), Dieter Klemm (rhythm, bass), Markus Schmidt (bass, guitar, organ), Dick Städtler (guitar, organ, bass), Gerd Wollschon (rhythm, organ)

The band from Cologne combined rock music with crass lyrics. The tracks "Die oberen Zehntausend" and "Ford Capri" are from their second album "Fließbandbabys Beatshow" (Ohr, 1970).


Andy Kirnberger (guitars, vocals, piano), Cherry Hochdörfler (organ, mellotron, piano, spinet), Peter Lotz (bass, vocals, percussion), Dieter Becker (lead vocals, percussion), Wolfgang Claus (drums, percussion)

Frame published their interesting sole album "Frame of mind" 1972 on the Bacillus label.

Franz K.

Peter Josefus (bass, vocals), Stefan Josefus (drums), Mick Hannes (guitar), Werner Becker (piano, organ)

The band from Witten was established in 1969. In 1971, they published their debut album "Sensemann", which consisted of only two long tracks with German lyrics. The track "Peterlied" is from their second album "Rock in Deutsch" (Zebra, 1973), the track "Bock auf Rock" from their third one "Wir haben Bock auf Rock" (Aladin, 1977). However, we introduce the original single version, the B-side of the single "Au Weia, Mensch Meier" (Philips, 1975).


Daniel Alluno (drums, bongos, tabla), Fritz Scheyhing (organ, mellotron, percussion, electronic effects), Conny Veit (guitars, voice, tabla, electronic effects), Walter Wiederkehr (bass)

Gila was established in 1969 in Stuttgart and published two albums. The track "Kommunikation" is from their debut album "Gila" (BASF, 1971), a fascinating mix of cosmic, experimental, folk and psychedelic components.

Guru Guru

Mani Neumeier (drums, percussion, vocals), Uli Trepte (bass), Ax Genrich (guitar)

Like Birth Control, Guru Guru celebrated their 40-year jubilee in 2008. The band of the drummer Mani Neumeier had a lot of crew changes. The track "Der LSD-Marsch" is from their debut album "UFO" (Ohr, 1972) and keeps the promise the title suggests.

Hairy Chapter

Rudolf Oldenburg (bass), Harry Unte (vocals), Harry Titlbach (guitar), Rudi Haubold (drums)

The band from Bonn published two albums. The scope ranged from psychedelic blues-rock to progressive tracks. The track "It must be an officer's daughter" is from their second album "Can't get through" (Bacillus, 1971).


Dietmar Löw (bass), Heinz Schwab (solo guitar), Hans-Jürg Frei (organ, guitar), Christian Scherler (vocals), Kurt Frei (drums)

The gimmix sleeve (it looks like a color slide) of the sole album "Hazecolor Dia" (Bacillus, 1971) was created by designer Walter Seyffer, who also created the cover of the Nine Days Wonder debut album and was their singer, too. Haze play interesting hard-rock that reminds of the music of early Nektar or Message. The vocalist has a weird, but interesting voice. We introduce the track "Fast career".


Michael Bruchmann (drums, percussion), Christian Grumbkow (acoustic & electric guitar), Joachim Grumbkow (grand piano, organ, hohner string vox, flute, hohner clavinet, mellotron &), Peter Käseberg (bass), Joachim Käseberg (guitars and stagesound), Christoph Noppeney (viola, acoustic guitar

The band was established in 1970. Their first album "Hoelderlins Traum" (Pilz, 1972) has German lyrics and is a Krautrock classic. From the second album "Hoelderlin" (Spiegelei, 1975) on, the lyrics are English, instead of folkrock with psychedelic elements they play progressive rock that reminds of King Crimson or Genesis. The track "Nürnberg" is from the album "Hoelderlin".


Matthias Stein (guitar, vocals), Günther Rüffel (guitar), Richard Reß (bass), Wolfgang Hilgert (bass), Bernd Lewandowski (drums)

Jerusalem were established in 1969. In a very short time, they created a live program consisting of their own compositions and soon were the main attraction of the Landau music szene. They recorded several tracks at the SWF radio studio, which were published on the album "Violence Fog / Jerusalem" (Longhair, 2001, first publication). We introduce the track "Moon's new way".

Jud's Gallery

Jürgen Winter (vocals, bass, acoustic guitar), Peter Oehler (guitar, piano, vocals), Hannes Gremminger (violin, piano), Herbert Brandmeier (drums), Elly Lapp (backing vocals on "Friends"), Clem Winterhalter (organ), Sibi Siebert (drums)

The band from Offenburg recorded 9 tracks at 2 SWF recording sessions on in 1972 and 1974, which were published on the album "SWF Sessions Volume 1" (Longhair, 2000, first publication). Jud's Gallery play a mix of melodic rock, hard-rock and folk. Some tracks, in which a violin is used, remind of Parzival. Apart from that, I take the liberty to compare the music with UFO during their "Phenomenon" phase or early Wishbone Ash. We introduce the track "Follow me".


Walty Anselmo (lead guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, sitar, lead vocals), Düde Dürst (drums, percussion, vocals), Terry Stevens (bass, electric guitar, klavino, lead vocals), Mojo Weideli (harp, flute, vocals)

The Swiss band published five excellent albums between 1969 and 1973, which attracted interest abroad due to their progressive arrangements. Rightfully the band was characterized as a mix of Amon Düül II and Man. The tracks "And I know" and "Marzipan" are from the album "Getting up for the morning" (Bacillus, 1972).


Klaus Schnur (guitars, vocals), Peter Schnur (guitars, vocals), Rainer Hoffmann (piano, organs), Tilo Herrmann (bass, flute, vocals), Günter Seiler (drums, percussion)

Basically, the band Mammut existed only three weeks for the recording of their sole album "Mammut" (Mouse/Motofonie, 1971). Because of its excellent production, the album is considered as a milestone of progressive rock of the early 70's in Germany.

McChurch Soundroom

Sandy (Sandro Chiesa) McChurch (vocals, flute), Heiner Althaus (guitars), Alain Veltin (organ), Kurt Hafen (bass), Norbert "Nobbi" Jud (drums)

The Swiss band published their sole album "Delusion" on the Pilz label in 1971. Influences of British bands like UFO, Black Sabbath and Jethro Tull are clearly recognizable. We introduce the track "What are you doin".


Tom Mc Guigan (vocals, sax, lyrics), Horst Stachelhaus (bass), Allan Murdoch (guitars), Gerhard Schaber (percussion, vocals), Billy Tabbert (guitars, spinet, vocals)

The band was established in 1968 by the Düsseldorf bassplayer Horst Stachelhaus. Their first albums are Krautrock classics that contain interesting hard-rock with progressive and experimental components. The track "Heaven knows" is from their first album "The dawn anew is coming" (Bacillus, 1972).

My Solid Ground

Bernhard Rendel (guitar, vocals), Karl-Heinrich Dörfler (bass, vocals), Andreas Würsching (drums), Ingo Werner (organ, piano)

The band from Rüsselsheim was established in 1968 and published their sole album in 1970 on the Bacillus label. Hardrock, enhanced with psychedelic elements, transformed clubs and halls into boiling pots. We introduce the track "The Executioner".


Stephan Kaske (vocals, flute, synthesizers), Sven Dohrow (guitar, mellotron), Ronnie Schreinzer (drums), Eberhard P. Seidler (bass)

The Berlin band of multiinstrumentalist Stephan Kaske published five albums between 1971 and 1980 with a changing crew. The track "Harry Chanceless" is from the fourth album "Concrete City" (Venus, 1979).


Allan Freeman (keyboards, vocals), Roy Albrighton (guitars, vocals), Ron Howden (drums, percussion), Derek Moore (bass, vocals)

The band was established in 1969 in Hamburg and is regarded as product of German rock music in spite of consisting exclusively of British musicians. Nektar is still active! The track "Do you believe in magic" is from the album "Sounds like this" (Bacillus, 1973).

Nine Days Wonder

Walter Seyffer (vocals, drums, percussion, effects), John Earle (vocal, sax, flute, guitar), Rolf Henning (guitar, piano), Karl Mutschlechner (bass), Martin Roscoe (drums)

Nine Days Wonder, who lived in a Mannheim flat-sharing community, published four albums between 1971 and 1976 LPs with changing crews. Their sophisticated debut "Nine Days Wonder" (Bacillus, 1971) received excellent reviews and is influenced by "The Mothers Of Invention". We introduce the track "Drag dilemma" from this album.


Michael Thierfelder (vocals), Christian Felke (saxophone, flute), Mick Kessler (bass), Reinhard Grohe (organ), Michael Meixner (guitar), Byally Braumann (drums)

Nosferatu came from the Frankfurt area and published only the album "Nosferatu" (Vogue, 1970), from which we introduce the track "No. 4".


Rob Terstall (guitar, vocals), Stuart Fordham (drums, percussion), Ray Brown (bass, vocals), Jeff Beer (keyboards, percussion, vibes, vocals)

The excellent live qualities of Odin resulted in the attention of record companies. They published their sole album "Odin" in 1972 on the Vertigo label. The track "Make up your mind" is from the album "Odin SWF Session 1973" (Longhair, 2007, first publication).

Pacific Sound

Roger Page (keyboards), Diego Lecci (drums), Mark Treuthardt (guitars, bass), Chris Meyer (vocals)

After several successful singles, the Swiss band published their sole album "Forget your dream" on the Splendid label. It is a psychedelic jewel that earned much recognition.


Klaus Doldinger (tenor/alto saxophones, Moog, electric piano), Lothar Meid (bass), Olaf Kübler (tenor saxophone, flute), Jimmy Jackson (organ), Udo Lindenberg (drums)

With some of the members of his previous band Motherhood, Doldinger established the jazz-rock band "Passport" in 1971. The first two albums "Passport" and "Second passport" are especially interesting for rock music fans. We introduce the track "Uranus" from the debut album "Passport" (Atlantic, 1971).

Pell Mell

Thomas Schmidt (vocals, violin, flute, Mellotron), Otto Pusch (piano, organ), Rudolf Schön (vocals, percussion), Jörg Götzfried (bass), Mitch Kniesmeijer (drums), Andy Kirnberger (guitar)

The band from Marburg played an excellent blend of progressive rock and classical music. They published five albums between 1972 and 1981. The track "Friend" is from their debut album "Marburg" (Bacillus, 1972).

Peter Baumann

Peter Baumann, members of the Philharmonic Orchestra Munich

As a member of Tangerine Dream, Peter Bauman participated in the creation of an important chapter of German rock history. His synthesizer sound experiments were - similar to the work of bands like Can or Kraftwerk - groundbreaking for the electronic rock music of the 80s. The track "Bicentennial Present" is from his debut album "Romance 76" (Virgin, 1976).

Rufus Zuphall

Klaus Gülden (flute, percussion), Günter Krause (guitar, keyboards, vocals), Helmut Lieblang (bass), Udo Dahmen (drums, tablas), Erich Engels (percussion)

Rufus Zuphall from Aachen played progressive rock with folky elements, which occasionally reminds of early Jethro Tull due to the use of the flute. The track "Freitag" is from the debut album "Weiß der Teufel" (Good Will, 1971).


Holger Brandt (drums, percussion), Hennes Hering (organ, piano, synthesizer), Michael Hofmann (moog, synthesizers, flute, vocals), Günther Moll (lead guitar, vocals), Stefan Wissnet (bass, acoustic guitar, vocals)

Sahara from Munich arose from the band Subject Esq. and published two albums. They played ambitious progressive rock, influenced from the great bands of this era like Yes, King Crimson or Pink Floyd. The track "The mountain king part 1 & 2" is from the second album "For all the clowns" (Pan, 1974).

Subject Esq.

Michael Hofmann (flute, alto sax, vocals), Alex Pittwohn (mouth harp, 12 string guitar, vocals), Harry Rosenkind (drums, percussion), Peter Stadler (keyboards), Stefan Wissnet (bass, vocals), Paul Vincent (guitar), Franz Loffler (viola)

Subject Esq. was a constant in the Munich progressive rock scene. Far away from the typical Krautrock sound, they developed their very own style. After they made a record deal with the Ariola label, they changed their name to "Sahara". The track "Mammon" is from their sole album "Subject Esq." (Epic, 1972).

Sweet Smoke

Andy Dershin (bass, percussion), Jay Dorfman (drums, percussion), Marvin Kaminowitz (lead guitar, vocals, percussion), Michael Paris (sax, flute, percussion, vocals), Jeffrey Dershin (piano, percussion, vocals), Steve Rosenstein (rhythm guitar, percussion, vocals), Rochus Kuhn (violoncello)

Sweet Smoke were established in the USA in 1967. They settled down in Germany and soon had a lot of fans. They signed a record deal with the Harvest label in 1970. The track "Kundalini" is from their second and last album "Darkness to light" (Harvest, 1972).

Tangerine Dream

Edgar Froese (guitar, mellotrons, piano, synthesizers), Chris Franke (synthesizers, sequencers, Mellotron, electronic percussion), Peter Baumann (synthesizers, sequencer, electric piano, Mellotron, vocoder)

The Berlin electronic pioneers Tangerine Dream have been active for almost 40 years now and published dozens of albums, from which the first ones can be classified as Krautrock. The track "Coldwater canyon" is from the live double LP "Encore" (Virgin, 1977).

Thirsty Moon

Jürgen Drogies (guitars, vocals, sounds), Norbert Drogies (drums, percussion), Heinz Sander (keyboards, vocals), Gert Lueken (bass)

Thirsty Moon from Bremen published five albums between 1972 and 1981. Their music is a mix of progressive rock, jazz and fusion. The track "Black clouds" is from the live record "I'll be back - Live '75" (Longhair, 2006, first publication).

Thrice Mice

Karl-Heinz Blumenberg (vocals), Werner v. Gosen (guitar), Rainer v. Gosen (bass), Wolfgang Buhre (saxes), Wolfram Minnemann (organ), Arno Bredehöft (drums)

Thrice Mice from Hamburg published their sole album in 1971 on the Philips label. Straight, melodic rock tracks were spiced with improvisations, jazzy elements, complex sax duets and the introduction of big-band like brass sections. Two of the musicians later established the band "Altona". We introduce the track "Jo Joe".

Tiger B. Smith

Holger Schmidt (lead vocals, guitar, banjo, harp), Klaus Meinhardt (bass), Karl-Heinz Traut (drums, percussion), Linda Feels (backing vocals), Peter Trunk (bass), Veit Marvos (keyboards, piano, synthesizer), Hanus Berka (sax, flute), Curt Cress (drums), Rainer Marz (guitar, backing vocals)

The "psychedelic hard-rockers" from Frankfurt originated from the band "Second Life". They published two albums on the Bacillus label. The music is not adequate for the sophisticated listener, however it has its moments. The track "Help for a blind man" is from their second album "We're the tiger bunch" (Bacillus, 1974), on which they are supported by many well-known musicians.

Toto Blanke

Toto Blanke (synthesizer, moog, bass, guitar), Jasper van't Hof (organ), Edvard Vesala (drums)

Guitar player Toto Blanke attracted attention with his own band Electric Circus as well as with the German-Dutch avant-garde jazz-band Association PC. The track "PPG" is from the album "Toto Blanke & Electric Circus" (Bacillus, 1976).

Udo Lindenberg

Karl Allaut (guitar), Keith Forsey (drums), Dieter Ahrendt (drums), Jean-Jacques Kravetz (organ), Olaf Kübler (saxophone), Peter Herbolzheimer (trombone), Inga Rumpf (vocals), Otto Waalkes (vocals), Udo Lindenberg (vocals, guitar), Gottfried Böttger (piano), Steffi Stephan (bass), Backi Backhausen (drums), Helmuth Franke (guitar), Thomas Kretschmer (guitar), Gigo Seelenmeyer (banjo), Chris Hermann (trumpet), Rainer Regel (saxophone), Bolle Burmeister (saxophone), Wolfgang Schmitz (trombone), Johnny Müller (harmonica)

Udo Lindenberg played as a drummer in many important bands (Passport, Emergency, Kravetz), before he published his first own album "Lindenberg" in 1971 on the Telefunken label. His next album "Daumen im Wind" was released in 1972 on the Telefunken label as well, and from that time on he continued with German lyrics. Thanks to Udo that German lyrics in rock music were finally accepted. The track "Cowboy Rocker" is from the album "Ball Pompös" (Telefunken, 1974). The famous German comedian Otto Waalkes and the singer Inga Rumpf appear on this album as guests. Udo is still excellent in his business. His one and only number one album was released - this year 2008!

Violence Fog

Wolfgang Höfer (vocals, flute), Karl-Heinz Höfer (guitar, flute, vocals), Enno Dernov (guitar), Hilmar Beine (bass), Herbert Brandmeier (drums)

Violence Fog were established in 1969 from members of other bands in the Baden-Baden area. Soon they were able to perform successful live performances. Besides their own compositions, cover versions from "Brother where are you" (Remo Four) and "Paint it black" (Rolling Stones) belonged to their repertoire. In 1971 they recorded some tracks at the SWF radio studio, published on the album "Violence Fog / Jerusalem" (Longhair, 2001, first publication). We introduce the track "Rolli Zink".


J. Dieter Krahe (organ), Wolfgang Rieke (drums), Axel Nieling (drums), Jürgen Schäfer (bass, vocals), Bernd Rosner (guitar), Werner Vogt (bass, guitar, vocals)

Virus came from the Bielefeld area and published two albums with different members. While the debut album "Revelation" (BASF, 1970) consisted of never ending tracks with spacy excursions, the second album "Thoughts" is more song-oriented and a very exciting album. The track "King Heroin" is from the album "Thoughts" (Pilz, 1971).


Jürgen Dollase (keyboards, lead vocals), Harald Grosskopf (drums, percussion), Bill Barone (guitars, vocals), Jerry Berkers (bass, lead vocals)

Before they became a commercial pop group Wallenstein from Mönchengladbach published five interesting progressive rock albums between 1971 and 1977. The track "Braintrain" is from their best record "Mother Universe" (Pilz, 1972), as well as "Golden antenna". Grosskopf, Dollase and Berkers played as guest musicians on many Ohr and Kosmische Kuriere productions.


Manfred Stadelmann (drums, vocal), Jürgen Dollase (keyboards*), Ryszard Kalemba (guitar), George Früchtenicht (congas, flute), Jerzy Sokolowski (guitar, vocals)

The short-lived formation Walpurgis published their sole album in 1972 on the Ohr label. From this album, we introduce the track "Disappointment". Jürgen Dollase from Wallenstein played the keyboards.

Witthüser & Westrupp

Bernd Witthüser (vocals, guitars, etc), Walter Westrupp (vocals, flute, keyboards, etc), Gille Lettmann (wind chime, foot stumpin, choir), Jürgen Dollase (mellotron, keyboards, percussion, choir, synthesizer, vibraphone), Jerry Berkers (bass, percussion, choir), Tommie Engel (drums, percussion), Harald Grosskopf (percussion, choir), Antje Dahlhaus (foot stumping), Dieter Dierks (percussion, choir)

The musicians Bernd Witthüser & Walter Westrupp published four studio and one live album between 1970 and 1973. The duo sang in German, which was unique and adventurous for this period of German rock music. The track "Wenn ich ein wenig fröhlicher wär" is from the first album "Von Nonnen, Vampiren und Toten" (Ohr, 1970), which was named only Bernd Witthüser as the artist. The track "Das Märchen vom Königssohn" is from the album "Bauer Plath" (Pilz, 1972), which included, amongst others, three musicians of Wallenstein.

Wolfgang Dauner

Wolfgang Dauner (piano, organ, vocals), Pierre Cavalli (guitar), Siegfried Schwab (guitar, sitar), Roland Wittich (drums, vocals), Eberhard Weber (bass, cello, vocals)

The album "The OIMELS" (MPS, 1970) is an insider tip for Krautrock lovers. Wolfgang Dauner broke all the rules and presented himself as psychedelic-jazz-pop-band. It is an extraordinary album in all respects with fuzz guitar, sitar sounds and other freakouts. Even the Beatles track "A day in the life" is covered. "The oimels" is the answer to the desire of the former MPS-Records boss to enter musical virgin soil. We introduce the track "Take off your clothes to feel the setting sun".
Der an diesem Beitrag angefügte Anhang ist entweder nur im eingeloggten Zustand sichtbar oder die Berechtigung Deiner Benutzergruppe ist nicht ausreichend.
God's Monkey
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Beiträge: 4532
Dabei seit: 04 / 2006

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 15:23 Uhr  ·  #2
MICHI: Super Fleissarbeit, 1+ (Ich muss unbedingt in's ZA und mir das Teil mal ausleihen.)
Herkunft: Berlin
Alter: 66
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Dabei seit: 04 / 2006

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 16:27 Uhr  ·  #3
Klasse! :daumen: Und jetzt erstmal die Fingerkuppen in einem Jepi kühlen! :pils:
Mr. Upduff
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Herkunft: Basemountainhome
Alter: 63
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Dabei seit: 02 / 2007

Re: V.A. - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 17:14 Uhr  ·  #4
Zitat geschrieben von michi1985
9. Franz K. "Bock auf Rock" Völlig primitives, amateurhaftes Gestümper, und dann auch noch so ein peinlicher Text.

Franz K. war eher das Sauer-Kraut was damals hierzuödlande durch die Schützenhallen zog, um die Landjugend mit Kraut...ähhh...Lautrock schnellzuversorgen...dazu gab es gezapftes Bierinströmen, viel Lederjackenprolls und `ne Menge Spaß anner Theke...die Musik wurde auch irgendwie von ein paar veitztanzenden Besoffkies vor der Bühne wahrgenommen...insofern ist es für mich als wieder nüchterner Zeitzeuge dieser Entgleisungen (später geselllten sich Bands mit anlockenden Namen wie "Halber Liter" hinzu) eine eher doch unfreiwillig humorige Fußnote dieser Zusammenstellung, daß auch "unser" Fränzcken K. zum Hanz und Franz des K.rautrocks mit dazugezählt wird...

Re: V.A. - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 17:20 Uhr  ·  #5
Zitat geschrieben von Mr. Upduff
Zitat geschrieben von michi1985
9. Franz K. "Bock auf Rock" Völlig primitives, amateurhaftes Gestümper, und dann auch noch so ein peinlicher Text.

Franz K. war eher das Sauer-Kraut was damals hierzuödlande durch die Schützenhallen zog, um die Landjugend mit Kraut...ähhh...Lautrock schnellzuversorgen...dazu gab es gezapftes Bierinströmen, viel Lederjackenprolls und `ne Menge Spaß anner Theke...die Musik wurde auch irgendwie von ein paar veitztanzenden Besoffkies vor der Bühne wahrgenommen...insofern ist es für mich als wieder nüchterner Zeitzeuge dieser Entgleisungen (später geselllten sich Bands mit anlockenden Namen wie "Halber Liter" hinzu) eine eher doch unfreiwillig humorige Fußnote dieser Zusammenstellung, daß auch "unser" Fränzcken K. zum Hanz und Franz des K.rautrocks mit dazugezählt wird...

Na, dann mal :rocker: Aber ohne mich. :oops: Sorry. Aber ein Interessanter Beitrag, Mr. Upduff. :prost:
Tom Cody
Herkunft: Dortmund
Alter: 68
Beiträge: 45115
Dabei seit: 11 / 2006

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 20.12.2008 - 17:24 Uhr  ·  #6
Michi, das hast Du wirklich ausgezeichnet hingekriegt. Umfangreiche Informationen zu Songs und Bands. Mehr geht eigentlich nicht. Prima gemacht. Daher: :daumen: :daumen:
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Beiträge: 7168
Dabei seit: 11 / 2007

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 21.12.2008 - 20:28 Uhr  ·  #7
Da sag ich doch mal WOW !

Schon für`s Journalistikstudium eingeschrieben?

Das steckt wieder viel Herzblut dahinter und dann einfach nur Dankeschön!
Herkunft: NRW
Alter: 67
Beiträge: 15887
Dabei seit: 04 / 2006

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 24.12.2008 - 11:41 Uhr  ·  #8
Klasse Arbeit,
das wird den Macher Green Brain sicher erfreuen.
Tom Cody
Herkunft: Dortmund
Alter: 68
Beiträge: 45115
Dabei seit: 11 / 2006

Re: Various Artists - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 08.04.2012 - 19:28 Uhr  ·  #9
Ja, der Michi hat schon gute Sachen geschrieben.... :8)
Tom Cody
Herkunft: Dortmund
Alter: 68
Beiträge: 45115
Dabei seit: 11 / 2006

Re: V.A. - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 15.06.2016 - 19:29 Uhr  ·  #10
Zitat geschrieben von hmc

Klasse Arbeit,
das wird den Macher Green Brain sicher erfreuen.

Diese Sampler laufen zur Zeit ja nahezu täglich im "Brezel"...... o)

Ja, hat der Michi gut vorgestellt! :)

Re: V.A. - Krautrock - Music For Your Brain Vol. 3 (6 CD)

Gepostet: 16.06.2016 - 17:42 Uhr  ·  #11
danke für die Vorstellung und das Wiederbeleben des Threads.
Hier zieht der Krautrock auch in umliegende Nachbarländer,
was wirklich nicht stört.

Auch einige Jazz Sachen gehen gut aufs Ohr:

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