Big Big Train waren fleissig



Big Big Train waren fleissig

 ·  Gepostet: 08.01.2015 - 22:51 Uhr  ·  #390677
In bälde wirds was Neues von den Retro-Proggern geben. Das geht aus ihrer letzten Mail hervor:

Big Big Train filmed live performances of a number of songs at Real World studios in August 2014. These performances will be released on Blu-Ray and DVD in the autumn of 2015. At Real World, the band were joined by Rachel Hall on violin and vocals and Rikard Sjöblom on guitars, keyboards and vocals. We are pleased to announce that Rachel and Rikard have now joined both the live and recording line-up of the band.

The band has written around two hours of new songs. Recording of these will be completed for album releases in 2016 and 2017. An EP, featuring three new songs, will be released in April 2015.